Welcome to the spring term of Puffin Class! ☺
I hope you all had a wonderful Summer and were able to have a well earned break with your families. We have had a fantastic start to the Autumn Term and it has been fabulous to meet your and get to know your wonderful children.
This term we will continue to work with Fred frog during our Read, Write, Inc phonics sessions. We will consolidate our previous sounds and begin to learn new sounds. This will enable the building of fluency when reading and understanding of texts. As well as supporting us with our writing.
We have started the new year reading the book Dear Mother Goose. Puffin class are enjoying finding out about all the nursery rhymes out there, oh and singing them.
As mathematicians we will be focusing on numbers to 100, addition and subtraction and properties of shapes.
As geographers we will be learning through the topic ‘Mini Mappers’ where we will look at maps and use scales and the compass using words such as North, South, East and West.
As historians we will be learning through the topic ‘Local History’ where we will be looking at the history of Barnstaple and looking at how Barnstaple has changed over the years.
As scientists we will be learning through the topic of ‘Plant Growth’ where we are going to explore plants, seeds and roots.
At theologians we be learning through the topics Creation to Covenant and Prophecy to Promise..
As artists we will be learning through the topic ‘Our School’.
We are so excited to share our learning with the rest of the school and to our families and friends as we enjoy our year as Puffins.
Mrs Cohen and the Puffin Class Team ☺