Welcome to the spring term of Puffin Class!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year with your families. We have had a fantastic start to the Spring Term and Puffin class have been super excited to learn together.
This term we will continue to work with Fred frog during our Read, Write, Inc phonics sessions. We will consolidate our previous sounds and begin to learn new sounds. This will enable your child builds fluency when reading and understanding of the texts. As well as supporting us with our writing.
We have started the new year reading the book The Naughty Bus. Puffin class have enjoyed exploring the images and finding out how our bus has been making very naughty choices.
As mathematicians we will be focusing on money, multiplication and division, length and height and mass, capacity and temperature exploring new vocabulary and new ways of working out our problems.
As historians we are looking into our local history. We will look into primary and secondary sources and how our local area has changed over time.
As geographers we will be locating hot and cold deserts, and identifying common physical and human features.
As scientists we will be exploring the Needs of Animals and finding out more about how animals need water, food and air to survive and have offspring.
During RE, Puffins are learning through a topic of Galilee to Jerusalem and learning that John the Baptist is a prophet who calls people back to God by encouraging them to say sorry. We will learn that Baptism is a sign of forgiveness. We will look at what to do when we make bad choices because God loves and forgives and that being sorry helps us to change and become better people. We will find out how Jesus’ miracles are signs that show he is the promised one (Messiah). We will also look more at parables and about how Jesus heals.
As artists we will be looking at artists such as Pablo Picasso and Emily Howarth-Booth and how they use colour and tone in their art to create some wonderful pieces.
We are so excited to share our learning with the rest of the school and to our families and friends as we enjoy our year as Puffins.
Mrs Cohen and the Puffin Class Team