
Prayer and Worship


'Pupils, irrespective of faith, feel comfortable to participate in the school’s prayer life, demonstrating respect and reverence during class and whole school collective worship' S48 Inspection March 2020

In its simplest form, prayer is defined as “talking to God.” It is a personal time of opening our hearts to our Heavenly Father and bringing everything in our hearts to Him. Through the Apostle Paul, God asked us to pray. Prayer can be a powerful force for change in our lives, and the importance of doing it on a daily basis should be instilled in our children.

Communication is the foundation for success in any relationship. When we communicate openly and freely with each other, we learn to know each other as individuals. This principle also applies to our relationship with God. By talking to God, we can learn more about who He is and what plan He has for us.

As well as formal R.E lessons the children also have unlimited interactions with God.  We have daily prayer times as well as Acts of Worship four times a week.

Throughout the year we celebrate Mass at St Mary's Church, with the children playing active roles in the celebrations.  Parents and friends are always welcome to these.

Please read on to see different examples of prayer at Our Lady's.

Prayer Links
As a Catholic School we support CAFOD and are supported by them with assemblies, prayers and visits.  You can find out more on the link below.


We learn a lot about our brothers and sisters overseas and are enabled to work with them through Missio.  You can find out more about this in the link below

Child Led Act of Worship
The children are invited to make their own Acts of Worship during their free time.  Come and see what they decide to do.

Stations of the Cross Reflection

On Wednesday afternoon during holy week, we have gathered as a school to follow Jesus' final journey to Calvary through praying the Stations of the Cross.


Each station was led by a different class helping us all to share in this very special prayer.  At each station we listened, paused and prayed. We then moved to the next station singing a short reflective refrain. We remembered the journey Jesus went on and shared this special time together.