Welcome to 2025! Our topic this term is all about Buildings and homes. We will be looking at all kinds of homes - our homes, animal homes, fairy tale homes, castles and huts. We will also look at how we travel from our homes; in cars, buses, trains, boats.
The books we will focus on include Goldilocks and the three bears, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Little Red Hen. After half term we will start working on our garden, creating digging spaces, growing plants in the beds, building shelters and dens. Your support is most welcome to help with some heavier digging as the weather improves.
We always enjoy celebrating Chinese New Year. It is the year of the Snake. It falls on the 27th January this year. We will also remember Lent and all the important build up to celebrating Easter. Throughout the year we learn about Jesus the son, God the Father and the Holy Spirit. We listen to stories, sing songs, pray and learn how God wants us to live.
Maths is everywhere in the EYFS curriculum. We will especially focus on 1,2,3. Many children are already using number in their play, beginning to recite numbers, but we also want them to know that numbers represent amounts and that we can make marks that identify how many objects are in a set. We will learn about size, about shape and space and about colour and pattern. Everything that you do is so important for your child. They are listening to you and watching you the whole time. When you count with them, make meals together, sing songs, read them books they flourish and literally their brains grow! It’s an incredible stage in your child’s development.
Thank you for support, thank you for sharing your children with us, keep looking and commenting on tapestry. At the end of the year you will be able to download your child’s journal which is a very special record of everything they have done.
The Barn A B's Team