

A big welcome to our first exciting term in Heron Class!

It has been a great start to the Autumn Term and Heron class have been busy learning through play, building relationships with our friends and trying their best with our new learning. We have enjoyed being immersed in our new classroom and particularly love the reading corner and green room. We have enjoyed lots of activities with friends and shared many stories. 

In Heron class we have been excited to continue learning our sounds with Fred Frog. We have also started on a new journey of drawing club, where we are practicing our writing skills through lots of exciting stories. As mathematicians we will focus on numbers to 10 before moving on to addition and subtraction in our Power Maths books. We will start our humanities learning as geographers by exploring ‘Our Local Area: Where Do I Live?’. We will explore our school and the town of Barnstaple, we must remember our maps! As scientists we will be exploring plants. During RE, Herons are learning about creation and looking at new beginnings as a team. We will also develop our social skills and behaviour for learning ahead of the new school year.

We are so excited to share our learning with the rest of the school and to our families and friends as we enjoy our year as Herons. 

Miss Grice and the Heron Class Team ☺