A big welcome back to the Spring term of Heron Class and a very Happy New Year to you all!
Heron class is led by class teacher Miss Grice, and supported by Miss Davidson. In Year One we aim to provide a rich and stimulating environment to support children to be curious learners. Children engage in a balance of formal and discovery learning to support their independence.
We will continue to work with Fred frog during our Read, Write, Inc phonics sessions. We will consolidate our previous sounds and begin to learn new sounds. This will enable to build fluency when reading and understanding of texts. As well as supporting us with our writing.
We have started the new year reading ‘The Three Little Pigs’ by Mara Alperin and Ag Jatkowska. Heron class are enjoying discovering the key features of the text and engaging activities to retell the story. By the end of the unit the children will be writing the story changing some key details such as the characters and/or setting. We have been working on our ‘perfect postures’ to develop our fine motor and handwriting skills.
As mathematicians we will be focusing on numbers to 20. We will explore tens and ones within numbers before using this knowledge to add and subtract.
In our RE lesson this half term, we are looking at ‘Galilee to Jerusalem’.
Next term we will focus on history, looking at the ‘history of transport’. We will look at living memory, travelling to space, aeroplanes, cars and trains.
Also attached, will find Heron Class termly information sheets so that you can see what your child will be learning across the National Curriculum. I will post regular updates and messages on Class Dojo. Heron class are excited to share their learning with the rest of the school and their families and friends as we enjoy our year as Herons.
Miss Grice and the Heron Class Team ☺