

A big welcome back to our first exciting term in Eagle Class! 


It has been a super start to the Autumn Term and Eagle class have been working hard. 


We have started English by exploring The Book of Hopes which is edited by Katherine Rundell. It contains stories from over 100 children’s authors and Illustrators, and we will look at various stories so that we can create our own with similar story techniques.  As mathematicians, we are learning about the importance of understanding numbers and place value. We are using the scheme, Power Maths, which builds in small steps to deepen understanding. We have also kick started learning our times tables, as this is an important year for Eagle Class, as we have our statutory times table assessment in June 2025.


We have commenced our journey in Humanities focusing on aspects of human Geography, while exploring our topic about Brazil. As scientists we are looking at classifying living things, focusing on our analysing and evaluating skills, as well as learning how to record and present our scientific findings. During RE, Eagles will start by looking at the importance of ‘Creation’ within our topic of ‘Creation to covenant’. PSHE we will focus on ‘Being Me in my World’, thinking about ‘Who am I and how do I fit? In music, we will be looking at Samba music, linking to our Brazil topic in Geography. In Music, the children will have the opportunity to learn and be introduced to new instruments, which will link to our topic.


We look forward to sharing our work with the rest of the school and to our families and friends as we enjoy our year as Eagles.


Many thanks,


Miss Greenwood and The Eagle Team