I hope you have had a lovely break and spent time with your wonderful families. I hope you are ready for a super exciting and busy spring term. We are really glad to see the children back in school, showing us that they are ready to learn and start the new term. There is so much to learn and so much fun to be had! We have welcomed Mr Smale into Owl class this term and have been cracking on with our new topics.
In English, we have kick started by looking at the story “Escape From Pompeii”. We have been exploring the different text features within the book to end up so that the children will write their own version of the story, writing as one of the characters. After this, we will move onto non-fiction with a book called “The Big Book of Blooms” where we will write an information text about a plant or group of plants. Finally, before Easter we will read “Cinderella of the Nile” and writing another version of the Cinderella story.
In Maths, we will start by focusing on multiplication and division. Times tables are a vital skill for the children during their maths work, and they will be working hard this year to secure their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables. Later on in the term, we will move onto looking at fractions and units of measure.
Our daily reading sessions use Bug Club. The text we read is allocated onto your child’s Bug Club login each week. The children continue to bring home either book banded books or AR books. A reminder that children on AR must complete a quiz on their books before getting a new book. We promote independence and encourage the children to be responsible for changing their own books.
During RE, we have begun to look at a new RE curriculum. It focuses on teaching us about different ways to live our everyday lives. Our topic that we are learning about is Galilee to Jerusalem, looking at the story of the Magi and the gifts they brought to Jesus.
In Science, we are looking at organisms. We have started by looking at different food groups and what constitutes a balanced diet. We will move onto nutritional needs of other animals and the skeletons of humans and other animals. After half term we will have a Biology focus and look at plants.
In Humanities, we have started with a topic about Volcanoes. The children are already really engaged in this topic and are making links to previous learning about igneous rock formation. After half term, we will focus on history and learn about the Ancient Egyptians.
In music, we have started to learn to play the recorder. The children are very excited about this!
Thank you to everyone for your continued support with the children’s learning.
Many thanks
Mrs Fryers and Mr Smale