

In Our Lady's Catholic School we strive to make music fun, active and vibrant! All children have a rich and varied music curriculum through weekly whole class music lessons.  Every child learns how to play percussion instruments, progressing onto first access instruments such as the Djembe,recorder,fife,ukulele,violin,and mini pans.  Each term’s work culminates in an ensemble performance to family and friends. There is also a passion for singing in our school with weekly whole school singing, as well as each class taking part in a musical production ranging from the Christmas Nativity, Easter and Summer productions. For example this year we have performed Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat and Alice in Wonderland. We have a school community choir that enables adults and children to sing together, performing in concerts such as with the Military Wives Choir and other schools to raise money for charity, and to sing to residents of a local care home. Our school choir also support our School Mass services. We encourage our pupils to further develop their music skills by facilitating small group and individual lessons provided by local peripatetics, offering lessons on the piano,violin,fife,flute,clarinet and the guitar. Our school orchestra gives our more gifted and talented, and some SEND children, the opportunity to play together as an ensemble on their own instruments. They have opportunity to perform in assemblies and at end of term concerts. Music is a fantastic subject which encompasses the whole child: mind, body and heart.  It is level ground on which all children can stand equal; it can be accessed and enjoyed by all.  Music enriches the whole curriculum, music enriches the whole child.  
Mrs Hynes - Music Specialist