

At Our Lady's we use the 'Original' Charanga scheme to support the delivery of our music curriculum.  It is a integrated, practical, exploratory and child-led approach to musical learning.
Each unit of work comprises the strands of musical learning with correspond with the national curriculum for music:
  1. Listening and Appraising
  2. Musical Activities
    1. Warm-up Games
    2. Optional Flexible Games
    3. Singing
    4. Playing instruments
    5. Improvisation
    6. Composition
  3. Performing
Units of Work enable children to understand musical concepts through a repetition-based approach to learning. Learning about the same musical concept through different musical activities enables a more secure, deeper learning and mastery of musical skills. 

Musical teaching and learning is not neat or linear. The strands of musical learning, presented within the lesson plans and the on-screen resources, are part of the learning spiral. Over time, children can both develop new musical skills and concepts, and re-visit established musical skills and concepts. Repeating a musical skill doesn’t necessarily mean their progress is slowing down or their development is moving backwards! It's just shifting within the spiral. Mastery means both a deeper understanding of musical skills and concepts and learning something new.

The assessment framework uses a Plan-Do-Check Review approach.